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vi'·het vpr < vė'· 1 to place oneself 2 to apply oneself to <> 3 to follow <> closely, stick close to <>; keep after <>, importune <>: hound <> 4 [Colloq] (followed by a verb in the subjunctive) to begin to _
S'vihen dy gjilpėra majė mė majė. Too many irons in the fire.
<> vi·het3sg futa (njė shtėpie) "the black kerchief is put on <>'s house" <>'s family line is brought to an end by a series of deaths
s'vihet inat me [ ] [ ] cannot be challenged
<> vi·het nė shpinė to stay right at <>'s back, follow <> closely behind
vi·het nė binarė/vijė to get on the right track/road, take the right path.
vi·het nė bisht to lag/remain behind, stay in the rear
vi·het nė ikje to take flight, run away
vi·het nė krye/ballė to take the lead; take over the leadership
vi·het nė lojė to be at stake
vi·het nė njė radhė me [ ] to keep up with [ ]

vij|a|ku'qe nf [Colloq] rainbow = ylbe'r

vij|a|no'z adv continually