sizm|o|logj|i'k adj seismological
* sjap nm = cjap
sjell· vt 1 to bring, bear; bring/take [ ] along; convey, conduct 2 to bring forward/out/up/about 3 to turn [ ] around; turn over [ ] 4 to take a turn/stroll around [a place] 5 [Fig Colloq] to give [ ] the runaround • <> sjell· to strike/fell <> • [ ] sjell· anepėrqark to give [ ] the runaround • <>a sjell· diellin dy gisht mbi kokė/krye "bring the sun two inches over <>'s head" to bring <> to near disaster • [ ] sjell· dokėrr to give [ ] the runaround • [ ] sjell·3sg era "the wind brings [ ]" [ ] comes out of nowhere • sjell· faqet to turn over the pages • <>a sjell· fjalėn rrotull/vėrdallė//larg e larg to beat around the bush with <> • e sjell· gajtan muhabetin to be in control of the situation • <>a sjell· gjakun nė vend to take a load off <>'s mind, calm <> down • e sjell· kokėn/kryet [Impol] (expressing displeasure at an arrival) to get one's damn self here: arrive