rrot|o|vi'le nf 1 potter's wheel 2 = motovi'le 3 pulley; capstan; windlass
rro't|ull II§ nf 1 circular/cylindrical object: disk; spool; wheel; paper or wire rolled into a cylinder; ornamental woven/embroidered disk 2 disk on the bottom of the plunger of a churn 3 (Anat) ring-shaped bony structure 4 (Tech) pulley wheel 5 [Fig] indirect satirical remark III§ adv, prep (abl) around, about • rrotulla e gjurit [Anat] kneecap • rrotulla e kurrizit [Anat] spinal vertebrae • rrotulla e qafës [Anat] cervical vertebra • i vje·n rrotull to go at it by a circuitous route, approach the matter indirectly; speak indirectly
rrot|ull|a'k IV§ adj round, circular V§ nm disk at the bottom of the plunger of a churn