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part < rrjedh·
II§ adj (i) [Colloq Pej] senile, dotty
Ku ka·3sg rrjedhur, do të pikojë. "Where it has flowed, it will drip." There may not be as much as before, but there is still something.

rrje vt 1 to remove the outer layer: peel [fruit], peel off [bark], skin/fleece [animals]; scale [fish], pluck [fowl] 2 to gouge, gouge out [ ] 3 [Fig] to take unfair advantage of [ ]'s generosity/helplessness: exploit [ ] mercilessly; pluck [ ] clean, fleece [someone]; rob
e rrje morrin nga bishti "peel the louse from the tail" to be too thrifty, pinch pennies
rrje rrëshiq [ ] to skin [a sheep/goat] whole (without damaging the hide)
[ ] rrje të gjallë "skin [ ] alive" 1 to beat [ ] to a pulp, beat [ ] up badly 2 to take ruthless advantage of [ ]

rrjep|aca'k adj, n = rreckama'n