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* rrgjând (Reg Gheg) = argjënd

* rrgjo'lle nf wasteland, rough ground

rri· vi 1 to continue in a particular position or condition for a period of time: stay, stand 2 to sit; sit down 3 to fit well: suit; fit on one's body 4 [Colloq] to keep/stick to <>
<> rri· [Crude] it seems to <>
<> rri· çekan/çekiç mbi kokë "keep a hammer over <>'s head" to keep nagging <>, keep a whip over <>'s head, keep forcing <> on
<> rri· deri _ [Colloq] to reach <>'s _: come/hang down to <>'s _
s'<> rri·3pl duart (rehat) "<>'s hands never stay still" <> never let's well enough alone
rri· duke tharë trahan "stand around drying crackers" to be occupied doing very unimportant/easy work
rri· e mba·n murin "stand and hold up the wall" to wait in vain
<> rri· gatitu to be obedient to <>
<> rri· gjel to be insolent toward <>
Nuk rri·3sg gjeli mbi vezë. "A rooster does not sit on eggs." This is not the right person for the job.
rri· gjemb to be sharply dressed, be dressed nattily