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rėnd|u'e|s adj 1 exacerbating, aggravating 2 contributing heavy weight, weighing down

II§ part < bi'e [1] · fallen; hit, struck
III§ adj (i) 1 fallen to the ground; fallen 2 hanging down 3 lying down, decumbent 4 past one's prime; frail
IV§ nf (e) blow, sound of a blow: smack
adv lying down, decumbent
<> kanė rėnė trutė nė qafė [Impol] "<>'s brains have fallen on <>'s neck" <>'s brain has become senile, <>'s brain is fried
me njė tė rėnė tė penės/lapsit with a stroke of the pen/pencil
me njė tė rėnė tė shkopit with a wave of the magic wand: without apparent effort, as if by magic; miraculously
(si) i rėnė nga qielli "(as if) fallen from the sky" 1 wonderful, extraordinary, just perfect 2 [Iron] very ordinary

'nė|s adj 1 (Bot) deciduous 2 (Phys Geom) incident