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* rėndo'm|thi adv = rėndo'm

II§ vt 1 to make [ ] heavy; load [ ] heavily; weigh [ ] down 2 [Fig] to add to [ ]'s burdens/difficulties 3 [Fig] to exacerbate [ ], increase the severity of [ ] 4 [Fig] to weigh heavily on [ ]; make [ ] difficult; fatigue 5 [Fig] to hurt [ ]'s pride, hurt [ ]'s feelings 6 to exert pressure on <>; give weight to <>
III§ vi 1 to weigh; weigh down; weigh heavily 2 [Fig] (of a responsibility) to rest, lie, fall 3 [Fig] to make <> feel sorry/sad/bad 4 [Fig] to exert influence; (of words) to have an effect on <> 5 [Fig] to give emphasis to <> 6 [Fig] to put one's weight on one side: lean 7 [Colloq] to do heavy/difficult work 8 [Colloq] (of weather) to increase in severity: get worse
aq/kaq <> rėndo·n3pl that just shows how much brains <> has!
e rėndo·n dorėn mbi [ ] "use a heavy hand on [ ]" to give [ ] a heavy (undeserved) beating
i rėndo·n dheut [Impol] (of a bad/useless person) to just be taking up valuable space, be a burden on the world, the world would be better off without {}
e rėndo·n gojėn 1 to use foul language 2 to argue using foul language
po rėndo·n3sg moti "the weather gets getting worse" things are taking a turn for the worse, the situation is getting serious
<> rėndo·n nė zemėr to weigh heavily on <>'s mind
<> rėndo·n3sg nė shpirt to weigh heavily on <>'s conscience

rėnd|o'sh adj, n heavy/lumbering (person)