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ra| stem for pdef, opt < bi'e [1] · fell; hit
Ra fyti e na mbyti "The throat fell and suffocated us" It was greed that caused such a shameful end.
<> ra lota it is <>'s turn
<> ra njė nur (of a woman) <> has taken on a new and more beautiful appearance, <> got prettier
<> ranė progjet [Impol] <>'s power/strength has faded
Nuk ra sheqeri nė ujė! [Iron] "the sugar did not fall in water" it's not so terrible! it's no big deal! don't worry about it!

* ra np (tė) fem < re (e) 1 young women; brides, daughters-in-law 2 news

RAB abbrev < Republika Arabe e Bashkuar (Hist) UAR = United Arab Republic