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* py'j|e|shėm adj (i) wooded

pyj|o'r adj 1 of or pertaining to woodlands: forestal, sylvan, woodland 2 of or pertaining to forestry

py'kė nf 1 wedge 2 (Mil) wedge-like penetration (into an enemy position) 3 [Impol] blockhead
Pyka do pykė. [Prov] "A wedge is to be driven in/out with a wedge." It takes a tough person to handle someone tough.
Pykėn e shtyn/nxjerr pyka [Prov] "You drive a wedge in/out with a wedge." It takes a tough person to handle someone tough.
ėsh· pykė nė diell to be flat broke, be very poor
ėsh· pykė nga veshėt to be stone deaf
Pyka nxirret/shtyhet me pykė. [Prov] "A wedge is to be driven out with a wedge." It takes a tough person to handle someone tough.