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py'es| stem for 1st sg pres, pl pres, 2nd & 3rd sg subj, pind < 4py'et·

II§ vt to ask [ ] as question
III§ vt, vi to ask, inquire
nuk [ ] pyet· as pėr osh, as pėr balosh [Colloq] to totally disregard [ ]: act as if [ ] weren't there
nuk pyet· nga ajo anė not be afraid of that, not worry about that
nuk pyet· pay no heed
nuk pyet· pėr njeri "not ask about anyone" not heed anyone
nuk pyet· pėr tė tjerėt "not ask about others" not care what others think, not care whether others like it or not
[ ] pyet· rrip pėr kėpucė to inquire into [ ] in every detail
Pyet njėqind//shtatė a tetė vetė, e bėj si di vetė! [Prov] "Ask a hundred//seven or eight people, and then do what you know yourself is right!" Get a lot of other opinions, but follow your own judgment!

py'et·et vpr to be the person who must be consulted for the final decision: be the person whose opinion counts