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putėr|ma'dh adj having big paws

* puti'r nm = poti'r

puth· vt 1 to kiss 2 [Fig] (of a light source) to touch [ ] gently; just begin to illuminate [ ]
nuk puth· {} [Colloq] not be allowed to be {somewhere}
<> puth· ēizmet [Pej] to lick ("kiss") <>'s boots
<> puth· dorėn/gjunjėt [Pej] to be servile: lick <>'s boots
pėr ēdo punė puth· dorėn e <>. "for every matter kiss <>'s hand" to insist on getting <>'s permission for even the slightest thing
puth· dorėn e <> 1 to kiss <>'s hand as a form of very respectful greeting 2 to ask <>'s permission
[ ] puth· dhe [ ] vė'· nė ballė "kiss [ ] and put [ ] to one's forehead" 1 {} would love to have [ ], {} would be happy to have [ ] 2 to be thankful for getting at least [ ]
Tė puth halla nė tė dy faqet. [Crude Iron] (expresses the strong belief by one with an obligation that the obligation has been fulfilled); (expresses the strong belief that an obligation owed one was not satisfied and that nothing further will be forthcoming) That was it! No more!
<> puth· kėmbė e dorė [Pej] "kiss <>'s foot and hand" to be servile: lick <>'s boots
<> puth· kėmbėt [Pej] "kiss <>'s feet" to be servile: lick <>'s boots
puth· kryqin "kiss the cross" to die: meet one's maker