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purri|gja'rpėr nm (Bot) wild leek (Allium ampeloprasum)

* purri'(n) nm (pl ~j) [Reg Gheg] (Bot) leek = presh

III§ nm 1 well (for water); well for extracting minerals/gas 2 [Colloq] deep pot-hole; deep pool
IV§ adj, adv deep/dark as a well
ėsh· pus to be close-mouthed
Pusi [ ] marrtė! [Curse] "May the well take [ ]!" May [ ] have nothing but bad luck!
Pusi i mirė njihet nė kohė tė thatė. [Prov] "The good wellspring becomes known in dry times." A friend in need is a friend indeed.
pus nafte oil well
ėsh· pus pa ujė "be a well without water" 1 to be poor as a rat 2 to be totally incompetent/inept
pus qorr dry well