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pun|i'shte nf workshop
punishte lėkurėsh tannery

II§ vi 1 to work; be at work 2 to be in operation; be open/functioning/working 3 to be working well; be going well; be working out all right: be successful 4 (of a wound) to be festering 5 [Colloq] to work well together, have a good relationship
III§ vt 1 to work/till [soil] 2 to process [raw material]; make [a product] 3 [Colloq] to operate/work [a tool] 4 [Fig] to work out the substance of [a text] 5 to work up [a skill]: perfect 6 [Colloq] to work at [a trade/occupation]: practice 7 [Colloq] to use [a route] regularly (for one's business); ply the road to [ ] 8 [Fig Colloq] to do [something bad] to <>; cheat <> double-cross <>
<> puno·n3sg bafti <> gets lucky
s'<> puno·n3sg dora "<>'s hand doesn't work" <> is unable to work anymore
puno·n e rėndo·n to do hard work
puno·n e rrogo·n [Old] to work long and hard (in order to make a living)
Punon kali, ha gomari. [Prov] One does the work, another gets the credit.
s'<> puno·n3pl kėmbėt "<>'s legs don't work" <> is unable to walk anymore
puno·n me shkelma to work against one's will, work under protest
puno·n me grabujė to rake
puno·n me pleqėsi to work cooperatively with good will
puno·n me udhė/rrugė to act/speak/work in accordance with accepted procedure, act/speak/work with propriety

IV§ n worker
adj working