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pule'xhė OR pule'xhio nf (Tech) pulley, pulley wheel

pu'lė nf 1 hen 2 chicken 3 popcorn that has not popped 4 [Fig] easily intimidated person: chicken
pulė amė brood hen/duck
Pula e botės (tė) duket mė e majme. [Prov] "The chicken of someone else always looks more plump (to you)." The grass is always greener on the other side.
Pula e botės tė duket patė. [Prov] "the neighbor's//other guy's chicken looks like a goose to you." The grass always looks greener on the other side.
pulė deti [Ornit] turkey hen (Meleagris gallopava domesticus)
pulė dushke [Ornit] woodcock = shapto're
pulė e egėr [Ornit] hazel grouse, hazelhen (Tetrastes bonasia)
Pula e fqinjit tė duket patė. [Prov] "the neighbor's//other guy's chicken looks like a goose to you." The grass always looks greener on the other side.
pulė fushe (domestic) hen
pulė hindi [Zool] turkey
pulė hini [Ornit] = pulėhi'ne

pulė|ba'rdhė nf 1 (Ornit) black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) 2 (Ornit) little egret (Egretta garzetta) 3 [Colloq] chestnut that has been roasted and shelled P
pulėbardha e argjendtė [Ornit] herring gull Larus argentatus
pulėbardha kokėzezė [Ornit] Mediterranean gull Larus melanocephalus
pulėbardha ngjyrėhiri [Ornit] common gull, mew Larus canus
pulėbardhė e pėrhime [Ornit] = pulėbardhė ngjyrėhiri
pulėbardha rozė [Ornit] slender-billed gull Larus genei
pulėbardha e zakonshme [Ornit] black-headed gull Larus ridibundus