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* prit|e'sė nf laziness, sluggishness, sloth

pri'et vpr 1 (of the body) to get gashed/lacerated 2 [Fig] (of something that has been continuous) to come to a stop: end, halt 3 (Dairy) (of milk) to spoil, turn sour 4 to intersect 5 to be expected; be awaited; be received
<> 1prit·et3sg fytyra <>'s face falls, <> suddenly turns pale
<> prit·et3sg goja/gjuha/zėri "<>'s mouth/tongue/voice is cut" <> is unable to utter a word, <>'s voice freezes in <>'s throat; <> is at a loss for words, <> is struck dumb with amazement; <> gets utterly tongue-tied
<> prit·et3pl gjunjėt 1 <>'s knees buckle, <> can barely stand 2 [Fig] to be numb and unable to act
<> prit·et3pl kėmbėt//leqet e kėmbėve 1 <>'s legs give way, <> can barely stand 2 [Fig] to be numb and unable to act
<> 1prit·et3pl krahėt 1 <> goes numb, <> is unable to continue 2 <> loses <>'s base of support
S'pritet lisi/druri me njė sėpatė//tė rėnė tė sėpatės. [Prov] "The oak/tree is not cut down by a single axe//blow of the axe." It takes persistent effort to do a difficult task.
prit·et nė fytyrė to grow pale from shock, {}'s face falls from shock

pri'tė nf 1 place of ambush; group waiting in ambush; ambush 2 retaining wall erected to prevent flooding or erosion 3 water cut-off point into an irrigation canal 4 (Spec) cut-off device 5 [Fig] difficulty (to overcome); obstacle
pritė druri wattled dam
pritė dheu earthen dike