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pret [2] ·
vt 1 to wait for [ ]; await; wait expectantly; expect 2 to catch [an approaching object]; (of a goalkeeper) save 3 to receive [visitors/guests], welcome; give [ ] a reception
II§ vi to wait; wait patiently
ia pret [2] ·/kthe·n (kėngės) [Colloq] (in folk music) to sing a second voice following a singer who has started a song
<> pret [2] · ditėn to be just waiting for the day to get back at <>
pret [2] · e pėrcjell· to be very hospitable; have a lot of visitors/company
pret [2] · fėmijė "expect a child" to be pregnant, be expecting
nuk <> pret [2] ·3sg koha "time does not wait for <>" <> has little time, <> is in a hurry
s'<>a pret [2] ·3sg luga lugėn "<>'s spoon doesn't wait for the spoon" <> eats one spoonful quickly after another; <> eats in a hurry, <> is too hungry to eat slowly
pret [2] · me gojė hapur to wait with bated breath
[ ] pret [2] · me kėmbėt e para to give [ ] a cold reception
[ ] pret [2] · me lot nė sy to welcome [ ] with nostalgic warmth, welcome [ ] emotionally
[ ] pret [2] · me lule "receive [ ] with flowers" to roll out the red carpet for [ ]

pre|ta'r n [Old] thief who steals live prey: rustler

prete'kst nm pretext