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prej|se' conj [Colloq] inasmuch as, since

* pre|jt| stem for pdef, part, imper, adm, opt < pre·n

prek· vt 1 to touch 2 [Fig] to touch on [ ] 3 to affect 4 to infect
s'[ ] prek·3sg as me pupėl/pendė "you can't touch [ ] with even with a feather" [ ] is too sensitive/touchy/irritable, [ ] can't stand the slightest criticism
<> prek·3sg buza nė gaz <>'s lips form into a slight smile, <> smiles slightly
<> prek· nė zemėr/shpirt to touch <>'s heart, move <> deeply
[ ] prek· nė kallo/lyth to touch [ ]'s most sensitive spot
[ ] prek· nė plagė to touch [ ]'s sore point
[ ] prek· nė tela to find [ ]'s soft spot
<>i prek· telat [Colloq] to know how to please <> so that <> will do what one wants: find the right button to press with <>, know how to please <>
s'e prek· tokėn to think one is so high and mighty, be stuck up, have one's nose in the air
<> prek· xhepin "touch <>'s pocket" to find out how much money <> has