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po'sht|as OR po'sht|azi adv 1 from below 2 at a low level

II§ adv 1 low 2 below; lower; less; worse 3 down; downward 4 [Colloq] downstairs; on the bottom floor
III§ prep (abl) 1 below; down 2 [Pej] down with _!
s'bie [1] · poshtė 1 to stay in good shape 2 not submit, not give in 3 not be badly off
poshtė e lart 1 high and low, everywhere 2 up and down
poshtė e mė poshtė lower and lower; worse and worse
poshtė e pėrpjetė "up and down" 1 high and low, everywhere 2 without any particular aim or direction: all over the place

po'shtė-lart pcl 1 up and down 2 more or less, approximately