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nf 1 slab of hard material: flagstone, tile 2 [Old] school slate 3 plaque 4 photographic plate 5 recording disk: record
II§ adj thin and flat
ësh· pllakë gramafoni 1 to talk incessantly 2 to be a mere mouthpiece for someone else
pllakë zdrukthi particleboard

III§ vt 1 to come down hard on [ ], slam [ ] down, whack; attack [ ] suddenly 2 to cover [ ] suddenly with something heavy 3 [Colloq] to conceal
IV§ vi to happen/appear suddenly and with intensity: fall; descend suddenly (on someone, on the scene) and in force: make a sudden attack

plla'k|thi adv 1 making both sides flat 2 = pe'tash