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pla'çkë nf 1 property taken by force: loot, plunder, booty 2 material goods, personal effects 3 [Colloq] piece of cloth used to make clothing; piece of clothing 4 fabric, cloth 5 [Colloq] land/field overgrown with weeds/brambles 6 speck 7 [Colloq Impol] (refers to a person or thing to be left nameless) some guy, some thing
plaçkë e larme [Bot] dog's tooth violet Erythronium dens-canina
plaçka e maçka/rraçka the whole kit and kaboodle, bag and baggage
me plaçka në shkop "with all one's belongings at the end of a stick" 1 homeless and poor 2 acting like a vagabond, moving around from place to place
me plaçkë e me laçkë with the whole kit and kaboodle, with bag and baggage
plaçkë tregu [Pej] mere merchandise to be bought and sold

plaçk|ër|o'·n vt = plaçki't·

plaçk|i's| stem for 1st sg pres, pl pres, 2nd & 3rd sg subj, pind < plaçki't·