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stem for opt < pëlce', plas·
II§ interj [Crude] drop dead!
më plaçin sytë! "may my eyes burst (if I'm not telling the truth)!" I swear! on my honor!
Të plaçin sytë! [Insult Curse] "May your eyes explode!" Dammit, use your eyes! Look what you've gone and done!
<> plaçin tëmthat! [Curse] May <>'s (skull) temples burst! I hope <> drops dead!
nuk <> tha një herë goja plaç! <> has never said an unkind word

pla'çk|a np fem 1 < pla'çkë 2 entrails, guts
një gjel/këndes/kaposh/kokosh plaçka small amount of baggage

plaçk|ata'r n 1 [Pej] person overly concerned with material goods 2 = plaçki'tës