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pjek|ur|i' nf 1 maturity 2 senior status in secondary school; age of a secondary-school senior
pjekuri teknike maturity of a plant in terms of its suitability as raw material for industry

* pjelm nm = pjalm

pjell· vi, vt 1 to bring forth young, give birth to [ ] (for non-human births); lay [an egg] 2 [Colloq] to bear [fruit]; bear [a child]
<> pjell·3sg belaja me [ ] [ ] puts <> into a terrible predicament
<> pjell·3sg edhe kau/kėndezi/mushka "even <>'s bull/rooster/mule gives birth" everything comes up roses for <>, everything is going well for <>
<> pjell·3sg edhe kėndesi/kokoshi "even <>'s rooster gives birth" <> enjoys constant good luck
<> pjell·3sg groshi me [ ] [ ] puts <> into a terrible predicament
<> pjell·3sg mendja <> has a creative mind; <> has a lively imagination
<> pjell·3sg sherri me [ ] [Colloq] <> start a big hassle (by doing something) with [ ]
<> pjell (edhe) viēi "even <>'s calf bears young" <> is blessed with constant good luck