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pistra'k nm unripe fig

pish|a'k nm 1 thick pine tree; pine stump 2 pine grove 3 pine torch 4 [Fig] intense heat

pi'shë nf 1 (Bot) pine tree; pine wood; pine chip; pine cone 2 pine kindling; pine torch
pishë e bardhë [Bot] Scotch pine Pinus silvestris = harti'në
pishë e butë [Bot] Italian stone pine Pinus pinea
pishë deti 1 [Bot] cluster pine Pinus pinaster 2 [Bot] kind of red alga Halopitys incurvus
pishë e egër [Bot] aleppo pine Pinus halepensis
pishë e kuqe [Bot] Heldreich pine Pinus heldreichi
pishë mali [Bot] Heldreich pine Pinus heldreichi
në pishë të <> [Fig Colloq] at the most intense moment of <>: smack in the middle of <>, right at the height of <>, in the prime of <>
në pishë të diellit [Colloq] in the heat of the sun, in the hottest part of the day
<>u shoftë pisha! [Curse] "May <>'s torch be extinguished!" I hope <> dies! <> can drop dead for all I care!
pishë e zezë [Bot] Austrian pine, black pine Pinus nigra Arn. = ha'lëz