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* pėve's| = py'es|

* pėve't· = py'et·

vt 1 to drink [liquid]; drink down [medicine] 2 to smoke [tobacco] 3 to soak up [a liquid], absorb 4 [Fig Colloq] to suffer [a blow], get struck badly
II§ vi to be a regular drinker of alcohol: drink, drink too much
<> pi·3pl {bugs} [Colloq] {bugs} are eating <> up alive, <> is plagued by {bugs}
e pi· to get it in the neck
[ ] pi·3sg e zeza "grievous misfortune befalls [ ]" a terrible thing happens to [ ]
pi· gjak me [ ] [Ethnog] to pledge blood fellowship with [ ] (by drinking a drop of each other's blood)
<> pi· gjakun "drink/suck <>'s blood" 1 to exploit <> mercilessly: make <> sweat blood 2 to inflict terrible pain on <>, torture <> to death
e pi·past (gjithė) kupėn (e hidhėrimit/mjerimit) [Book] to have drunk from the bitter cup of life: have experienced terrible misfortunes
<>a pi· lėngun [Impol] "taste <>'s juice" to learn from experience that <> is not to be feared, learn from experience that <> is a paper tiger
pi· lėngun e gjarprit (prej <>) "drink snake poison from <>" to taste bitterness in life, has suffered a lot (from <>), go through hell (because of <>)
pi· llullė to have a lot of fun
Nuk pi macja uthull [Iron] "The cat doesn't drink vinegar" That can't just happen.