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pėrvėl|o'·n vt 1 to scald; sear; burn [ ] (by liquid or chemical means) 2 to prepare [food] by scalding 3 to cause [ ] to feel extremely hot; cause <> to feel a burning sensation (in [ ]) 4 to destroy [ ] by burning 5 [Fig] to harm [ ] seriously; inflict terrible punishment on [ ] 6 [Fig] to rouse [ ] to anger; consume [ ] (with emotion)

pėrvėl|o'rė nf small pieces of bread boiled in water, mixed with oil or butter and usually cheese, and then fried in lard

pėrvėl|u'a|r adj (i) 1 badly burned/parched 2 [Fig] filled with a burning desire 3 [Fig] seared by misfortune