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pėr|ty'm|ur adj (i) smoke-covered, smoke-filled, smoky; smoked

pėr|ty' vt 1 to chew [ ] up 2 to chew [ ] over, re-chew 3 [Fig] to take in [ ], absorb [ ] 4 [Fig] to be able to endure/stand [something unpleasant]
i pėrtyp· fjalėt 1 to consider one's words carefully, think before speaking 2 to deny having said what one has said 3 to mumble: swallow one's words
e pėrtyp· mendimin to think carefully before speaking

pėr|ty'et vpr 1 to make chewing motions: chew, masticate 2 (of ruminants) to chew one's cud: ruminate 3 [Fig] to chew it over; struggle with words