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pėr|shk|i'm nm ger 1 < pėrshko'·n, pėrshko'·het 2 basting stitch

pėr|shk|o'·het vpr to be permeated/imbued

pėr|shk|o'·n vt 1 to pass [ ] through; thread [a needle] 2 to cross over/through [ ]; traverse [a route] 3 to permeate 4 to sew [ ] temporarily with a basting stitch: baste [ ]; string [ ] together
[ ] pėrshko·n me ngjyra tė zeza "describe [ ] with dark colors" to make [ ] seem worse than [ ] is, depict [ ] as being worse that [ ] is: paint [ ] in dark colors, present [ ] in the worst light