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pėr|pla' vt 1 to smack, slam, bang; bounce [a ball] 2 to hurl [ ] to the ground, slam down [ ], dash 3 [Fig] to unload [a burdensome responsibility] onto <> 4 [Fig] to plop [ ] down (in an inappropriate place), clap [ ] (into an undesirable place)
<>[ ] pėrplas· to hit <> with [the plain facts/truth]
<>a pėrplas· derėn nė fytyrė to slam the door in <>'s face
pėrplas· duart to clap hands
pėrplas· kėmbėt to stamp one's feet (with insistence); pound the table, keep insisting
<>a pėrplas· nė fytyrė to say it right to <>'s face
<>a pėrplas·3sg nė sy to say it right to <>'s face

pėr|pla'et vpr 1 to collide; crash: (of waves) dash, (of a ball) bounce, (of glasses) clink 2 to plop; plop down 3 [Fig Colloq] to look for help/support

pėr|pla's|je nf ger 1 < pėrpla', pėrpla'et 2 crash