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pėr|pėl|i'et vpr 1 to make small energetic movements repeatedly: thrash around, writhe, squirm; quiver, twitch, wiggle 2 [Fig] to suffer terribly; struggle to escape, wriggle
pėrpėlit·et nė shtratin e vdekjes "struggle in death's bed" to be struggling with death, be in one's death throes
pėrpėlit·et si petulla nė tigan "wriggle like a pancake on the frying pan" to have an insatiable burning desire; have an agonizing problem: be like a cat on a hot tin roof

* pėr|pėl|i't|ės adj making a quick movement of part of the body: spasmodic, convulsive, twitching; quivering

pėr|pėl|i't|je nf ger 1 < pėrpėli't·, pėrpėli'et 2 repeated quick movement of the body or a body part; tossing and turning 3 (Med) jactitation 4 strenuous effort to escape