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pėr|pa'll· vt 1 [Old] to bring [ ] out into the open, make [ ] public: divulge 2 [Pej] = tellalli'

pėr|pa'llet·et vpr to become known publicly, get bruited around

III§ adv 1 ahead; forward 2 earlier, before
IV§ prep (abl) ahead of, in front of, before; in comparison with
nuk <> dil·et3rd pėrpara 1 there is none better than <> 2 there is no use trying with <> {}, there is no point in talking to <>
pėrpara hundės right there (under <>'s nose)
mė pėrpara 1 earlier 2 first of all, in the first place
Pėrpara rripė e prapa thikė. "precipice behind and knife ahead" Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Bad either way.
pėrpara se _ before _
pėrpara syve tė <> before <>'s very eyes; in <>'s presence; before the whole <>