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pėr|dre'dh· vt 1 to twist; twirl 2 to curl, coil 3 to shake/trill [one's voice] 4 [Fig] to cause the death of [ ]: kill [ ]
pėrdredh· bishtin "waggle one's tail" 1 [Pej] to have loose sexual morals: be a slut 2 to waver in loyalty, be untrustworthy; be unreliable
i pėrdredh· buzėt to screw up one's lips in an expression of disbelief/contempt/disappointment/disapproval: make a wry face
i pėrdredh· fjalėt to go back on one's word
<>a pėrdredh· kokėn [Impol] "twist <>'s head" to knock <> off, do <> in, kill <>

pėr|dre'dh|as adv evasively, deviously

pėr|dre'dhė nf (Med) helix (of the external ear)