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pėr|cje'll· vt 1 to swallow [ ] 2 to accompany, go along with [ ] 3 to see [a traveler] off 4 to conduct [ ] (somewhere); conduct [energy] 5 [Colloq] to put [ ] off (using some pretext)
[ ] pėrcjell· me fjalė tė mira to put [ ] off with fine words (and empty promises)
[ ] pėrcjell· me njė grusht miza/pleshta "put [ ] off with a handful of flies/fleas" to put [ ] off with empty promises

pėr|cje'llė nf collec entourage, attendants

III§ n 1 conductor (of energy); carrier (of an idea/document) 2 person who sees another off; escort, guide 3 (Ethnog) member of the party conducting the bride to the groom's house
IV§ adj 1 accompanying; escorting 2 conductive