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prep (acc) 1 for 2 in regard to, about; as for; as 3 per 4 pro (vs. con), in favor 5 through; throughout; (swear) by
II§ prep (abl) by means/way of: by, through
III§ formative prefix trans-, thorough-
IV§ pcl (semantically empty element preceding an adverbial expression that begins with sė) pėr sė gjati lengthwise
{countable noun} pėr {same noun} {} by {}, every single {}, every {}
ėsh· pėr t'<> pirė dollinė <> is worthy of a toast
ėsh· pėr t'i hedhur telat "be ready for adorning <> with the bridal wires" to be pretty as a new bride
ėsh· pėr t'ia gėrryer trutė me kazmė "be fit for scooping out one's brains with a mattock" to be brainless, be very stupid
ėsh· pėr t'u lidhur nė grazhd "is fit to be kept in a stable" to be thickheaded/stupid
ėsh· pėr t'u pėrplasur nė mur//pas murit "be fit to smash against the wall" to be absolutely worthless
ėsh· pėr t'ua hedhur qenve (of food) to be only good for dog food
ėsh· pėr ta humbur/zhdukur me gur nė ujė "{} should disappear like a rock in water" {} is unspeakable and should never be mentioned again
ėsh· pėr ta ngjitur pas muri "be fit for pasting to the wall" to be sickly and scrawny, be all skin and bones
ėsh· pėr tė rrahur murin me [ ] [Impol] "be fit for beating the wall with [ ]" [ ] is completely worthless/useless

pėr| formative prefix trans-, thorough-

* (r) nm (np ~nj) = pe'(r)