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num five; number five
II§ nf 1 the number five 2 lowest passing grade in a scale of one to ten; highest grade in a scale of one to five
III§ np (tė) a group of five, five at one time; all five
pesė dhi gjashtė zile a lot of noise but not much getting done
me pesė para nė xhep "with five cents in the pocket" having very little money/property
pesė me hiē [Crude] without any worthwhile result; worthless
pesė mė shumė, pesė mė pak "five more, five less." a little bit more or a little bit less (doesn't make much difference)
ėsh· pesė para burrė/njeri "be a nickel's worth of man" to be small and scrawny, not be much of a man; be a person of no importance
pesė para burrė man with a small and weak body, weakling
pesė para gjė "thing worth five para" a trifling amount; a trifle
pesė para oka [Impol] dirt cheap
Pesė pordhė, dhjetė grosh. [Crude] Costs an arm and a leg.

pesė|ce'p|ėsh adj five-cornered, five-pointed

adj lasting five days, five days long
VI§ nm five-day period