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nf 1 feather, quill 2 = pe'nė 3 fin (of a fish) 4 vane; vane of a waterwheel; waterwheel 5 dike, levee, dam 6 pair of draft animals yoked together: yoke of oxen, team 7 measure of land equal to what a yoke of oxen can plow in a single day: juger
II§ adj light as a feather
pendė bersalierėsh tuft of rooster plumes worn in the helmets of Italian infantrymen in World War II
pendė deti [Zool] sea pen Pennatula
Kjo ėshtė//Kėsaj i thonė tre qe e dy pendė. "This is (called) three oxen and two yokes." This disparity (between resources to needs) is impossible to bridge.
pendė fijėzore [Ichth] = pendėfijėzo're
pendė mulliri clapper on a mill hopper

pendė|ba'rdhė adj white-feathered

pendė|de'ndur adj with thick plumage