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para|qi't· vt 1 to present, exhibit; present [ ] for examination; exhibit [ ] as evidence 2 to introduce [a person] 3 [Book] to express [a feeling or opinion]
[ ] paraqit· me ngjyra të zeza "present [ ] in dark colors" to make [ ] seem worse than [ ] is, depict [ ] as being worse that [ ] is: paint [ ] in dark colors, present [ ] in the worst light
paraqit· për [ ]//si {} to depict/represent as [ ]/{}, make sound/seem like [ ]/{}
e paraqit· të bardhën të zezë "make white black" to make a misrepresentation, distort the truth
e paraqit· veten për [ ]//si {} to pretend to be [ ]/{}

para|qi'et vpr 1 to appear 2 to introduce oneself 3 to report in; report for duty 4 to present oneself, make a showing; represent oneself, pass oneself off, misrepresent oneself

III§ adj introductory
IV§ n presenter; introducer