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pa'r|a [3] nf (e) 1 (feminine) the first 2 the beginning; first course (of a meal)
e para e punės first of all; the main thing

pa'r|a [2]
II§ adv 1 = pėrpa'ra 2 forward: in front
III§ prep (abl/dat) 1 before; ahead of 2 in front of, facing; in comparison with
para {quantity of time in the ablative indefinite case} {} ago para gjashtė vjetėsh six years ago para njė jave one week ago
para kohe before the expected time: too early, premature(ly)

para [4] pcl (appears only after a negative pcl) hardly, barely, not very much nuk para dalim nė kinema we hardly ever go out to the movies s'para ishte i ri he wasn't all that young mos para i flisni better not talk to him
mos para {imperative verb}! don't {} so much! better not {}
nuk para {verb} not likely to {}; hardly {}
nuk/s' para {verb} hardly/barely {}; not {} very much