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pakt nm pact

II§ adj (i) 1 small in quantity/number: few, little 2 insufficient, inadequate; in short supply, scarce 3 puny; frail
III§ n (i) few
IV§ nf (e) smaller/smallest part; minority
adv [Colloq] no less than, at least
VI§ adv (tė) at the very least, at minimum
nuk ėsh· e paktė (of an event) not be a trivial matter, be no slight matter
nuk ėsh· i paktė 1 (of a person) not be without value, be of considerable value 2 (of a person) not be without fault
tė paktėn at least
(nė) tė paktėn e herėve rarely

* pakt|u'e|s adj (Old)