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pajt|im|ta'r n 1 conciliator 2 subscriber

pajt|o'·het vpr 1 to become reconciled: make up 2 to come to an agreement: agree, concur 3 to reconcile oneself: acquiesce 4 to be in accord 5 to agree to terms of employment: hire oneself out, take employment 6 to subscribe

III§ vt 1 to bring [ ] into accord: reconcile; conciliate 2 [Colloq] to placate, assuage; still the crying of [ ], soothe 3 to hire, employ; engage, rent 4 to enroll [ ] as a subscriber
IV§ vi 1 to go together without clashing: comport, harmonize 2 [Colloq] to reach an agreement: concur
pajto·n gjaqet [Ethnog] to conciliate between the feuding parties; reach settlement of a blood feud