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pa|elektrif|ik|u'a|r adj (i) not powered by electricity; not supplied with electricity, not electrified

II§ adj (i) 1 having no name: nameless 2 anonymous; unsigned 3 [Fig] not famous, unknown, unheard of 4 [Fig] beyond naming: unspeakable 5 [Curse] unmentionable
III§ nm (i) 1 the unmentionable 2 [Euph] the Devil 3 (Med) muscle spasm: tic
IV§ nf (e) 1 [Euph] (Med) shingles, tetter 2 [Euph] (Med) splenitis; splenomegaly
np (të) 1 [Euph] (Med) varicose veins 2 (Bot) herbaceous perennial marsh plant with long stem and broad leaves that is used in folk treatment of shingles/tetter 3 (Bot) type of moss appearing as whitish blotches on rock surfaces

* pa|e'mër|shëm nm (i) [Euph] "the unnamable" the Devil