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prep (acc) 1 without; minus 2 not counting [ ], even without counting [ ]
II§ adv [Colloq] (only) after that: then
III§ pcl 1 (before an imperative) attenuates a command or suggestion: so let's just, so how about 2 indicates items forming a sequence: and then 3 (forms the negative of a following participle) without 4 (at the end of a rhetorical question) after all!
IV§ conj 1 [Colloq] therefore 2 else, otherwise
interj expresses pleased surprise at an outcome: whew! boy! well now! well-well!
{noun/adverb/adjective} pa {same noun/adverb/adjective} it doesn't matter whether {} or not: {} or not, {} or no {}, whether {} is right or not
pa u lagur 1 without getting wet 2 without a scratch, totally unharmed
pa u ngutur without haste: carefully and prudently
ėsh· pa opinga nė kėmbė "be without clogs on one's feet" to be very poor, live in abject poverty
pa <>u pjekur ashti at a tender age
pa pyetur without regard to, disregarding; unheeding
pa reshtur = pare'shtur
pa u trashur filli before the problem gets bigger and more complicated
pa u tharė (mirė) gjaku before the blood was yet dry
pa u tharė boja before the paint even dries: quickly, soon

pa| [1] formativ 1 forms antonyms of nouns and adjectives: un-, in- 2 forms privative compound adjectives indicating absence or lack of the second element of the compound: -less

pa| [2] stem for 3rd sg pdef, pl pdef, opt, adm, part < sheh·, shi'·het