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plapur|i'et vpr [Reg] = pėrpėli'et

Plare'nt nm Plarent (male name)

III§ vi, vt 1 to explode; burst; burst out 2 to crack
IV§ vt [Colloq] to throw [ ] with force: slam, bang
<> plas·3sg barku <>'s stomach becomes bloated, <> eats to the bursting point
<> plas· barkun to touch <> deeply
<> plas·3sg bomba nė duar "the bomb goes off in <>'s hands" 1 <>'s shenanigans are suddenly revealed 2 the sky falls in on <>'s plans
<> plas·3sg buza <> comes to the end of <>'s strength/patience
plasi dreqi "the devil burst" the bad days are gone, the storm is past
plas· edhe gurin "afflict even a rock" to exhaust the patience of a saint
<> plasi nė kokė "it burst on <>'s head" 1 <> suddenly got the idea of {} into <>'s mind, <> got it into <>'s mind (to _), <> had a whim 2 {a terrible calamity} hit <>
<> plas· kokėn/kryet [Colloq] to annoy <> badly by a displeasing repeated action: give <> a splitting headache, drive <> crazy with that stuff
Plasi Muēoja pėr dyfek "Muēo burst for a gun." [Tease] (said of someone who is gunning for a high position)
<>[ ] plas· ndėr sy (Fig) to confront <> with [ ] right to <>'s face