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imuniz|u'a|r adj (i) immunized

im|zo't nm 1 (Relig) title or term of respect for a bishop or archbishop: Monsignor 2 [Old] term by which a servant addressed his master or a wife (in some regions) addressed her husband: my lord, milord, master

ina't nm (Colloq) 1 spite; wrath; ill will, grudge 2 spiteful stubbornness
Kija inatin dhe/por foli hakun! Give the devil his due!
Kija inatin por hakun mos ia ha! Give the devil his due!
ėsh· me inat to be in an angry mood
s'ėsh· me inat it cannot be done by force
(si) pėr inat as if for spite, ironically; just for spite