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hesa'p nm (Colloq) 1 account, count; calculation 2 calculation of charges: bill • {derogatory name} hesapi [Crude] indicates scorn and derision for {} kungull hesapi stupid fool • bėj/bėni hesap sa _! just think/imagine how much/many _! • me hesap while careful with one's expenses: thriftily • njė hesap (ėsh·tė3sg) it makes no difference which • Hesapi i shtėpisė nuk del/nxirret nė pazar. 1 [Prov] "The household budget is not to be taken out in the market." 2 Some things should not be aired in public. 3 Things don't always come out the way they're planned. • ėshtė tjetėr hesap that is quite a different matter he'sė nf [Reg] food provisions, annual supplies and provisions hesperi'de nf (Bot) rocket Hesperis |